The Travels of Vince, Devin & Grant

permalinkA day in the life of Devin
July 10, 2008

We've written a lot about Devin's travels and adventures, but not much about his daily life. For the curious, here's a snapshot of what we go through in the average day.

6:30-7:30 (usually closer to 6:30) - Devin wakes up. Well, we're not sure if this is when he actually wakes up, or just starts complaining about being hungry, but it's when he wakes us up. We'll negotiate (with a couple rounds of "not it!") who has to get up, change him, and give him his bottle. He'll play around for an hour with dad, or go for a power walk with mom, then we'll feed him breakfast. Today it was Cheerios and Yogurt.

8:30-9:30 - nap. Devin doesn't nap well at day care, so if he's tired, we'll let him sleep a little.

9:30-5:30 - Day care. Devin gets two meals and two bottles through the day. On a really good day he'll nap two hours, though usually much less. At home he'll often do twice that. It's just too exciting to go to sleep when all his friends are around!

6:00 - Dinner. Devin prefers to feed himself now, so we'll give him cheese, turkey, peas, chicken fingers, whatever he'll put in his mouth.

6:30-7:30 - play time, bath time (which should count as play time). If he's not tired, he doesn't like to hold still. He'll run around from toy to toy, then try to get into places he's not allowed to go.

7:30-8:00 - bed time. Eventually he'll get tired or fussy, and usually goes down without a fight, not to be heard from again until the next morning.

As you can see, he's not too tough on us right now. Most of our work is keeping him from from hurting himself on the last few bits of the living room we haven't baby-proofed yet. After he gets his first bottle, he's in a great mood all day, making for lots of fun play time.

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